habits old and new


I’ve been going to life drawing in Leslieville on Tuesday nights for practice. I am really rusty, it’s definitely been too long. This page isn’t too embarrassing to post. During the sessions, I’ve been focusing more on the mechanics of gestures and poses instead of trying to create masterpieces, which is why a lot of details in the face and hair are left out.

I’ve noticed that the more I do art for fun, the more it makes me want to do work afterward. I’ve started a few new paintings/mixed media pieces.

I made a mistake by getting a boyfriend shortly after moving here, I got distracted and didn’t do a lot of things I should’ve that I’m kicking myself for not doing now. There’s no sense in feeling bad about it, but it’s hard not to. The feeling of being behind is overwhelming. It’s a vicious world of job searching out there.

I did recently get a volunteer position with the ALS Society of Ontario doing some graphic design, so I’ve been busy researching the disease and getting started. The organization helps those with ALS and their families with costs to make their lives easier before passing away, which is 2 – 5 years within being diagnosed. I’m excited to help out a good cause and have something to add to my portfolio. For more information on ALS Ontario and the disease, volunteering, or making a donation, click the links below.

ALS Society of Ontario
ALS Ontario on Facebook

carving paintings

Long story short, my papa carves wood carvings and I go with him Tuesday afternoons after class and take lessons to paint them. I initially started to do it because it meant a lot to him (the lady that was painting them before, the lady who is also giving me lessons, is retiring this year) but I actually really enjoy it. It’s very relaxing. And, I’m always up for learning new art skills.

This is my first one, whihc was finished last night. Well, actually I did a horse before this one, but it was much smaller and had very minimal detail. This one was much more complicated and took me two classes (so 4 hours to paint in total). It’s an Old Squaw Hen. I made a point to document some of the process, since you know, I’m real into that.


I have bought planners/organizers before, but was never able to keep up with them. I recently bought one one night on a whim, hoping it would help me be more organized, a symbol of hopefulness since I (and it seems the rest of the students in the program) have been sick and am behind in my school work. I have successfully been planning out what to do every night for the past week, crossing off homework as I complete it and reminders to do simple things during the day and it feels great. I think it works because as a creative person, I am a visual person, and it helps to see the tasks and cross them off. A visual sense of completion. I am now a fan of lists even moreso than before, and have become quite attached to my little green book, which I just decorated with stickers and buttons and put a flowery ribbon in for a bookmark.


I am working on a few things right now. Here is a sneak peek.

In between, I did another collage, just to keep my hands busy when I didn’t feel like painting. Painting isn’t a strength, and I’m always experimenting and failing and fixing. It takes up a lot of energy it seems, so doing something mindless like a silly collage is refreshing. I don’t normally think about what I’m doing, I just do it, and don’t worry about the outcome.